Sunday, April 04, 2021

I need new way of thinking!


Pic credit: The Digital Transformation People

I have been thinking that I have been living my life with the same way of thinking from day 1 till now. 
I need to change it. 
Before I wake up in the grave.

I am going to start NOW! 

Wait.. I have to find the button first. 
Yes, the restart button. 
Where is it?


*Headache starts*

Or maybe I'll start tomorrow. 
I'll take my own sweet time.
Like I usually do. 

Friday, December 21, 2018

I'm in the spotlight


Mak aii...!! Lama bebenor aku tak menulis. Last post 2017. Itu pun ada ke satu ajer.. Huhu..

Apa dah jadi tu bior le. Tak usah dimarah aku.. bukan kalian baca pun blog ni.. haha.. Tempat aku membebel sengsorang ajer. 

Apapun, nak sambung menulis just for my own sake. Hee..

Selalu sangat bila kawan-kawan mengadu diri mereka dalam masalah, aku akan cakap: you're in the spotlight now. 

Dan sekarang.. aku dalam spotlight itu. 

Ya.. dan aku bersyukur sangat sebab terasa kasih sayang Ya Rahman Ya Raheem mengalir setiap saat aku mengadu pada Dia. 

Well, I'm not gonna share with you all my sorrows, but just enough fact to let you know that the more test He gave us, the more love we will find within the strength that He provides. The more you weep and ask for solutions, the more you will see the lights on you are really His sign of love. To make you realize there's none other existence.. other than Him. 

Allahu akbar!

Wednesday, April 12, 2017


ALhamdulillah.. thumma alhamdulillah.. thumma alhamdulillah!!

Segala puji bagi Allah Ya Rahman Ya Rahiim.. atas segala nikmat yang Kau kurniakan buatku.. Ya Fattah Ya Razzak Ya Wahhab!

Ma sha Allah! Haa za min fadhli Rabbii...




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