Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Tips for better presentation

Hmm.. luckily I found this. Nope, Alhamdulillah Allah send this to me. It's good for me to be ready for my viva. I'm baaad at presentations! :((

We can always be ready for our worldly presentations. To encourage people, to motivate them and to make them believe into what we are trying to sell. Be it our product or merely ideas. But there, in the hereafter, when we are presenting ourselves towards the Almighty Allah..can we do the same? Could we have 30 hours to prepare our slides and another 30 hours to rehearse? Or is our body parts will do the 'presentation' for us while our tongue will be locked helplessly?

Allah said in surah anNahl verse 87 which means:
"And they will offer (their full) submission to Allâh (Alone) on that Day, and their invented false deities [all that they used to invoke besides Allâh, e.g. idols, saints, priests, monks, angels, jinn, Jibrael (Gabriel), Messengers] will vanish from them". 

Then in surah an Nuur verse 24, Allah clearly reminds us:
"On the Day when their tongues, their hands, and their legs (or feet) will bear witness against them as to what they used to do". 

Ya Rabbi, lakal hamdu kama yanmbaghii lijalaali wajhika wa 'azhiimi sultonik! 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Best People

Masya Allah! Sempurnanya ciptaan Ilahi

Allahumma solli 'ala Muhammad wa 'ala aali Muhammad

1. Jabir Ibn ‘Abd Allah narrated, the Messenger of Allah (SAAW) said:

“People are of different substances, the best of them in the Jahiliyah (A state of ignorance), are the best in Islam, if they gain ‘ilm (knowledge).”

(Ahmad Ibn Hanbal)

2. Ibn Hibban reported on the authority of Abu Hurairah:

“People are of different substances in good and in evil, the best of them in the Jahiliyah are the best in Islam, if they gain knowledge.”

3. Muslim reported it on the authority of Abu Hurairah, as follows:

“People are of substances like the substance of gold and silver: the best among them in the Jahiliyah , are the the best in Islam, if they gain knowledge, and the souls are hosts which are sent around, the similar ones get acquainted, and from the different ones depart from each other.”

(Muslim; An-Nawawi, Riyah As-Salihin)

Rabbi zidna 'ilman wa zidna fahman!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Keep going.. keep climbing..


He is so special to me.
He always know how to surprise me.
And He always has His own way of showing that He cares.

Today I got a message from Him thru' a twitter's tweet. (incredible isn't it?)
The tweet goes on like this:
"Allah knows you're trying. Even if they can't see, Allah sees. Have faith. Don't give up yet, you're halfway there. 
Keep climbing."

Yes, I will. Please Ya Allah, give me strength. I need all the strength I could get to finish this journey. Other than my PhD colleagues, no one ever give me a pat on my back saying: Iza go on, you can do it.. They are just busy asking when I'm going to finish. *Sigh*

Well, I dunno when. But I keep on going..

Ya Allah, Ya Wahhab, Ya Razzak.. Ya Rahman Ya Raheem..
Rabbi yassir wa laa tu'assir. Rabbi atmim bil khair..Ya Kareem.

Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Still moving..bit by bit


Masih bertahan.. YA Allah, Berikan aku kekuatan nak siapkan tesis ni ..UWAAAA!!!!
Allahumma solli 'ala Muhammad wa 'ala aali Muhammad.

Doakan aku ya, sahabat.

Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Masha Allah, sedapnya..!!

Ini.. Halawah Tahiniah perisa kacang hazel


kopi panas kosong (aku amik kopi KFC Abg tak minunn..)



Sebenarnya ini petua dari Mama Iman, untuk tambah susu badan. Lately ni susu kurang. Asma'  menyusu lagi tapi susu tak kurang..  Mungkin sebab stress.. AAHAHAHA.. banyakla stress! Tapi Mama Iman soh tambah susu, bukan kopi! eheheee....

Ya Allah, ikfinaa bihalaalika 'an haraamik!

Friday, March 01, 2013


Aku bersyukur pada Mu Ya Allah atas nikmat iman dan akal anugerah Mu Ya Allah.
Allahuma faqqihna fid deen wa 'allimna bil hikmah.
Amin ya rabb!


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